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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Friendship is like peeing your pants...

Well, we’re moving again. This will be move number 26 in my life, I’m of course overwhelmed, excited and sad, it’s hard making friends knowing that ultimately you’ll be moving in the future, but here in Lincoln City I have made some wonderful friends, I feel so blessed. And I know that these people are why God brought me to this place.

Without these amazing friends I would have never gotten through the weather here, they were my rays of sunlight on the dreariest of rainy days. They supported me, made me laugh and loved me, they welcomed me, shared their lives, danced and drank, they came to the hospital when I had my second child, they hugged me and wiped my tears when my crazy post-partum depression made me unbearable to even those closest to me. These friends are priceless and I am so blessed. One friend in particular has seen me at worst and continued to love me.

So to Tamera, thank you for going on a blind date with me to the beach when I was brand new here, I know you are a blessing straight from God. Thank you for getting me out of the house, for continuing to call even when I was too depressed to pick up the phone. Thank you for my wonderful baby shower, the booty cake, the poopy diaper game, for Mama Mia, for Hubba overnighter’s, scrapbooking, tea parties, Twilight…so much to list, you are amazing, I love your family, your children, and you. I do, I love you. This world is so blessed to have you and I’m so thankful that God brought me here and blessed me with your presence, what a gift!

I know this sounds silly to those of you who have never experienced, deep true friendship, but I truly believe that friends are the family you get to choose. My life map has had many different paths, different street address, but in most locations there has been at least one person who has planted seeds in my heart. So when I feel sad about moving I have to remember that each move has more potential and having friends all over the world is an amazing gift. So it’s worth the stress, the questions, it’s worth watering those seeds and allowing them to grow, it’s worth not losing touch even though it’ll be a little harder to communicate.

Because as some wise and funny (by the way) person once said, “Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel its true warmth.”

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you have made more wonderful friends. :) I wish you all the very best with your move - wow.... your 26th move!
    I'm so grateful for the gift of your friendship!
    ~ Catherine.
